Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Ship (redesign website) User Test


Promotion page

Branches Location Page

About The Ship
(there is some different, because some mistake when uploading.)

Target Audince :
- Age : 21 - 30
- Tourist

User Testing Q&A

1. Do you find the website user friendly?
- Yes
- No, why? …

2. Can this website identify its own company?
- Yes
- No, because…

3. Can you understand the navigation buttons?
- Can
- Can’t

4. Can you understand what is this website about?
- Yes, please tell me about it…
- No, because…

5. Can you find out more about the product?
- Yes, …
- No, …

6. Let’s say you want to go The Ship Petaling Jaya Branch, can you find it easily?
- Yes
- No,…

7. Do you find the shipping information useful?
- Yes
- No
- Where is it?
- Other :_________________________

8.Will you suggest people to view my site?
- Yes
- No,…

9. Will you visit my site again?
- Yes
- No

1o. Does the website load fast?
- Yes
- No

11. Compared to their current site (here) , which website looks better?
- Mine
- Theirs

12.How would you rate this site? (1- 5)

13.How do you feel about this site?
Comments, question, suggestions : ___________________________________________________

14. Your age, and gender : ___________________
Thankyou, so much!


Unknown said...

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Can
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. No
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
11.Sure is yours
13.20, Male

HL Two Trading said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HL Two Trading said...

1. - Yes
2. - Yes
3. - Yes , it is clear!
4. - Yes ,
5. - Yes , by looking the Menu
6. - No, if have a clear map direction, it will more easy.
7. - Yes , Abit
8. - Yes , i would do that
9. - Yes , if i'm free
10. - No , not exactly..i waiting so long.
11. Yours
12. 4 marks, because i feel it very classical.
13. i feel this website very classical and attractive.
If have more animation and pictures, it will more better.
Lastly, i think web desinger can give us more website function and features. for example, customer feedback, forum or else ...
14. 20 years old

琴 Kimm said...

Target Audince :
- Age : 21 - 30
- Tourist

User Testing Q&A

1. Do you find the website user friendly?
- Yes

2. Can this website identify its own company?
- Yes

3. Can you understand the navigation buttons?
- Can

4. Can you understand what is this website about?
- Yes, please tell me about it…

5. Can you find out more about the product?
- Yes, …

6. Let’s say you want to go The Ship Petaling Jaya Branch, can you find it easily?
- Yes

7. Do you find the shipping information useful?
- Yes

8.Will you suggest people to view my site?
- Yes

9. Will you visit my site again?
- Yes

1o. Does the website load fast?
- Yes

11. Compared to their current site (here) , which website looks better?
- Mine

12.How would you rate this site? 4/5

13.How do you feel about this site?
Comments, question, suggestions : Not sure if it's just me but the buttons might be a bit too big - some space might be needed to highlight the content more? :)