Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Ship (redesign website) User Test


Promotion page

Branches Location Page

About The Ship
(there is some different, because some mistake when uploading.)

Target Audince :
- Age : 21 - 30
- Tourist

User Testing Q&A

1. Do you find the website user friendly?
- Yes
- No, why? …

2. Can this website identify its own company?
- Yes
- No, because…

3. Can you understand the navigation buttons?
- Can
- Can’t

4. Can you understand what is this website about?
- Yes, please tell me about it…
- No, because…

5. Can you find out more about the product?
- Yes, …
- No, …

6. Let’s say you want to go The Ship Petaling Jaya Branch, can you find it easily?
- Yes
- No,…

7. Do you find the shipping information useful?
- Yes
- No
- Where is it?
- Other :_________________________

8.Will you suggest people to view my site?
- Yes
- No,…

9. Will you visit my site again?
- Yes
- No

1o. Does the website load fast?
- Yes
- No

11. Compared to their current site (here) , which website looks better?
- Mine
- Theirs

12.How would you rate this site? (1- 5)

13.How do you feel about this site?
Comments, question, suggestions : ___________________________________________________

14. Your age, and gender : ___________________
Thankyou, so much!